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SDF-PMO leads the training on technical writing and documentation

DAVAO CITY – The Special Development Fund – Project Management Office (SDF-PMO) successfully conducted Training on Technical Writing and Documentation of Best Practices on February 3-5, 2022, at Seda Abreeza Hotel, Davao City. The activity was participated by SDF Focal Persons of the BARMM ministries, offices, and agencies (MOAs) as well as the SDF-PMO Staff.

The three-day training aims to develop and enhance the capacity of the participants on effective technical writing specifically in report preparation and to provide technical know-how and appreciation on the basic concepts and tools on how to document best practices in the implementation of SDF programs, projects, and activities (PPAs)

Atty. Reginald M. Pastrana from the Support to Bangsamoro Transition (SUBATRA) serves as the resource person and discussed the Techniques, Basic Concepts of Technical Writing, and Standard Grammar: Common Mistakes and Principles and practices for technical writers.

Atty. Pastrana emphasized in the training the importance of integrating the standard guidelines in the documentary process. “We have to show utmost confidence, integrity, probity, honesty, and good faith. That also involves requiring the standards we are doing in the documentation process.”

On the last day of the training Ms. Justine Marie Sugay, the second resource person from UN World Food Programme (WFP), discussed the Social Media, Making a Social Media Calendar, and Communications Tactic Plan. Her topics aim to enhance the participants’ understanding of the newest trends and updates on major social media channels. It also enables them to make their social media strategies which summarize everything they plan to do and hope to achieve on social media in advocating and disseminating information on the best practices of the SDF-PPAs implementation.

This activity was a great opportunity to enable the MOAs SDF Focal Persons and SDF-PMO staff to enhance their technical writing skills and documentation of best practices to help them be productive as public servants in drafting accomplishment reports, projects proposals, publishing reports, and media updates.

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