You are currently viewing Construction of Barangay Health Station at  Brgy. Bayog, Tagoloan 1st District, Lanao Del Sur

Construction of Barangay Health Station at Brgy. Bayog, Tagoloan 1st District, Lanao Del Sur

Project Information 

Project Title:   Construction of Barangay Health Station

                                 Location:       Brgy. Bayog, Tagoloan 1st District, Lanao                                    Del Sur

                                 Activity:        Site Validation

Date of Activity:       February 12, 2022 

Status:         Recommended for Implementation


                         Responsible Personnel: Engr. Abdul Haniff B. Bilao, Engr. Ameer                                       Magandia & Tahir Gawang. 

Implementing Agency: Ministry of Health (MOH)


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